Commit 68f5565b authored by Skylot's avatar Skylot

core: improve processing of 'try/catch' and 'break' in loops

parent c552fb85
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class InsnDecoder {
while (in.hasMore()) {
decoded[in.cursor()] = DecodedInstruction.decode(in);
} catch (EOFException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DecodeException(method, "", e);
insnArr = decoded;
......@@ -230,6 +230,9 @@ public class MethodNode extends LineAttrNode implements ILoadable {
InsnNode[] insnByOffset = instructions;
CatchHandler[] catchBlocks = mthCode.getCatchHandlers();
Try[] tries = mthCode.getTries();
if (catchBlocks.length == 0 && tries.length == 0) {
int hc = 0;
Set<Integer> addrs = new HashSet<Integer>();
......@@ -287,13 +290,17 @@ public class MethodNode extends LineAttrNode implements ILoadable {
int offset = aTry.getStartAddress();
int end = offset + aTry.getInstructionCount() - 1;
InsnNode insn = insnByOffset[offset];
while (offset <= end && offset >= 0) {
insn = insnByOffset[offset];
offset = InsnDecoder.getNextInsnOffset(insnByOffset, offset);
if (insnByOffset[end] != null) {
} else {
......@@ -498,8 +505,8 @@ public class MethodNode extends LineAttrNode implements ILoadable {
/** workaround for non-static inner class constructor, that has
* synthetic argument */
if ((parentClass != null) && parentClass.getClassInfo().isInner()) {
if (!parentClass.getAccessFlags().isStatic()) {
if (parentClass.getClassInfo().isInner()
&& !parentClass.getAccessFlags().isStatic()) {
ClassNode outerCls = parentClass.getParentClass();
if ((argsList != null) && (argsList.size() >= 1)) {
if (argsList.get(0).getType().equals(outerCls.getClassInfo().getType())) {
......@@ -507,7 +514,6 @@ public class MethodNode extends LineAttrNode implements ILoadable {
result = (argsList == null) || (argsList.size() == defaultArgCount);
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public final class LoopRegion extends AbstractRegion {
InsnNode insn = insns.get(i);
if (insn.getResult() == null) {
return false;
} else {
RegisterArg res = insn.getResult();
if (res.getSVar().getUseCount() > 1) {
return false;
......@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ public final class LoopRegion extends AbstractRegion {
return false;
return true;
......@@ -163,6 +162,6 @@ public final class LoopRegion extends AbstractRegion {
public String toString() {
return "LOOP: " + baseString();
return "LOOP:" + info.getId() + ": " + baseString();
......@@ -103,7 +103,9 @@ public class BlockMakerVisitor extends AbstractVisitor {
// add this insn in new block
block = startNewBlock(mth, -1);
block.addAttr(new SplitterBlockAttr(curBlock));
SplitterBlockAttr splitter = new SplitterBlockAttr(curBlock);
connect(curBlock, block);
curBlock = block;
} else {
......@@ -131,12 +133,16 @@ public class BlockMakerVisitor extends AbstractVisitor {
// get synthetic block for handlers
SplitterBlockAttr spl = block.get(AType.SPLITTER_BLOCK);
if (catches != null && spl != null) {
BlockNode connBlock = spl.getBlock();
BlockNode splitterBlock = spl.getBlock();
boolean tryEnd = insn.contains(AFlag.TRY_LEAVE);
for (ExceptionHandler h : catches.getTryBlock().getHandlers()) {
BlockNode destBlock = getBlock(h.getHandleOffset(), blocksMap);
BlockNode handlerBlock = getBlock(h.getHandleOffset(), blocksMap);
// skip self loop in handler
if (connBlock != destBlock) {
connect(connBlock, destBlock);
if (splitterBlock != handlerBlock) {
connect(splitterBlock, handlerBlock);
if (tryEnd) {
connect(block, handlerBlock);
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public class RegionMaker {
if (exitBlocks.size() > 0) {
if (!exitBlocks.isEmpty()) {
BlockNode loopExit = condInfo.getElseBlock();
if (loopExit != null) {
// add 'break' instruction before path cross between main loop exit and sub-exit
......@@ -264,6 +264,25 @@ public class RegionMaker {
found = false;
if (found) {
List<LoopInfo> list = mth.getAllLoopsForBlock(block);
if (list.size() >= 2) {
// bad condition if successors going out of all loops
boolean allOuter = true;
for (BlockNode outerBlock : block.getCleanSuccessors()) {
List<LoopInfo> outLoopList = mth.getAllLoopsForBlock(outerBlock);
if (!outLoopList.isEmpty()) {
// goes to outer loop
allOuter = false;
if (allOuter) {
found = false;
if (found) {
return loopRegion;
......@@ -281,11 +300,9 @@ public class RegionMaker {
BlockNode loopExit = null;
// insert 'break' for exits
List<Edge> exitEdges = loop.getExitEdges();
if (exitEdges.size() == 1) {
for (Edge exitEdge : exitEdges) {
BlockNode exit = exitEdge.getTarget();
if (canInsertBreak(exit)) {
exit.getInstructions().add(new InsnNode(InsnType.BREAK, 0));
if (tryInsertBreak(stack, exit, exitEdge)) {
BlockNode nextBlock = getNextBlock(exit);
if (nextBlock != null) {
......@@ -293,7 +310,6 @@ public class RegionMaker {
Region body = makeRegion(loopStart, stack);
BlockNode loopEnd = loop.getEnd();
......@@ -313,7 +329,8 @@ public class RegionMaker {
private boolean canInsertBreak(BlockNode exit) {
if (exit.contains(AFlag.RETURN)) {
if (exit.contains(AFlag.RETURN)
|| BlockUtils.checkLastInsnType(exit, InsnType.BREAK)) {
return false;
List<BlockNode> simplePath = BlockUtils.buildSimplePath(exit);
......@@ -331,22 +348,52 @@ public class RegionMaker {
return true;
private void tryInsertBreak(RegionStack stack, BlockNode loopExit, Edge exitEdge) {
BlockNode prev = null;
private boolean tryInsertBreak(RegionStack stack, BlockNode loopExit, Edge exitEdge) {
BlockNode exit = exitEdge.getTarget();
BlockNode insertBlock = null;
boolean confirm = false;
// process special cases
if (loopExit == exit) {
// try/catch at loop end
BlockNode source = exitEdge.getSource();
if (source.contains(AType.CATCH_BLOCK)) {
BlockNode other = BlockUtils.selectOther(loopExit, source.getSuccessors());
if (other != null && other.contains(AType.EXC_HANDLER)) {
insertBlock = source;
confirm = true;
if (!confirm) {
while (exit != null) {
if (prev != null && isPathExists(loopExit, exit)) {
if (insertBlock != null && isPathExists(loopExit, exit)) {
// found cross
if (canInsertBreak(exit)) {
if (canInsertBreak(insertBlock)) {
confirm = true;
return false;
insertBlock = exit;
List<BlockNode> cs = exit.getCleanSuccessors();
exit = cs.size() == 1 ? cs.get(0) : null;
if (!confirm) {
return false;
InsnNode breakInsn = new InsnNode(InsnType.BREAK, 0);
// add label to 'break' if needed
List<LoopInfo> loops = mth.getAllLoopsForBlock(exitEdge.getSource());
if (loops.size() >= 2) {
// find parent loop
for (LoopInfo loop : loops) {
if (loop.getParentLoop() == null) {
LoopInfo parentLoop = loop.getParentLoop();
if (parentLoop == null
&& loop.getEnd() != exit
&& !loop.getExitNodes().contains(exit)) {
LoopLabelAttr labelAttr = new LoopLabelAttr(loop);
......@@ -354,12 +401,7 @@ public class RegionMaker {
prev = exit;
exit = getNextBlock(exit);
return true;
private final Set<BlockNode> cacheSet = new HashSet<BlockNode>();
......@@ -246,16 +246,16 @@ public class BlockUtils {
Set<BlockNode> set = new HashSet<BlockNode>();
if (start != end) {
addPredcessors(set, end, start);
addPredecessors(set, end, start);
return set;
private static void addPredcessors(Set<BlockNode> set, BlockNode from, BlockNode until) {
private static void addPredecessors(Set<BlockNode> set, BlockNode from, BlockNode until) {
for (BlockNode pred : from.getPredecessors()) {
if (pred != until && !set.contains(pred)) {
addPredcessors(set, pred, until);
addPredecessors(set, pred, until);
package jadx.tests.integration.loops;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.ClassNode;
import jadx.tests.api.IntegrationTest;
import org.junit.Test;
import static jadx.tests.api.utils.JadxMatchers.containsOne;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class TestNestedLoops3 extends IntegrationTest {
public static class TestCls {
int c = 0;
public int test(int b) {
int i;
while (true) {
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (i != 0) {
break loop0;
i += 3;
if (b >= 16) {
break loop0;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return i;
private void exc() throws Exception {
if (c > 200) {
throw new Exception();
private void f1() {
c += 1;
private void f2() {
c += 100;
public void check() {
assertEquals(302, c);
public void test() {
ClassNode cls = getClassNode(TestCls.class);
String code = cls.getCode().toString();
assertThat(code, containsOne("} catch (Exception e) {"));
package jadx.tests.integration.loops;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.ClassNode;
import jadx.tests.api.IntegrationTest;
import org.junit.Test;
import static jadx.tests.api.utils.JadxMatchers.containsOne;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class TestTryCatchInLoop extends IntegrationTest {
public static class TestCls {
int c = 0;
public int test() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (c == 5) {
return 0;
private void exc() throws Exception {
if (c < 3) {
throw new Exception();
public void check() {
assertEquals(3, c);
public void test() {
ClassNode cls = getClassNode(TestCls.class);
String code = cls.getCode().toString();
assertThat(code, containsOne("} catch (Exception e) {"));
assertThat(code, containsOne("break;"));
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