Commit 7b70d617 authored by Skylot's avatar Skylot

core: fix variables inline (#86)

parent 261ba464
......@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public class CodeShrinker extends AbstractVisitor {
......@@ -38,6 +36,7 @@ public class CodeShrinker extends AbstractVisitor {
for (BlockNode block : mth.getBasicBlocks()) {
shrinkBlock(mth, block);
......@@ -231,53 +230,28 @@ public class CodeShrinker extends AbstractVisitor {
if (assignBlock != null
&& assignInsn != arg.getParentInsn()
&& canMoveBetweenBlocks(assignInsn, assignBlock, block, argsInfo.getInsn())) {
if (inline(arg, assignInsn, assignBlock, mth)) {
InsnList.remove(assignBlock, assignInsn);
inline(arg, assignInsn, assignBlock);
if (!wrapList.isEmpty()) {
for (WrapInfo wrapInfo : wrapList) {
inline(wrapInfo.getArg(), wrapInfo.getInsn(), block, mth);
for (WrapInfo wrapInfo : wrapList) {
inline(wrapInfo.getArg(), wrapInfo.getInsn(), block);
private static boolean inline(RegisterArg arg, InsnNode insn, @Nullable BlockNode block, MethodNode mth) {
private static boolean inline(RegisterArg arg, InsnNode insn, BlockNode block) {
InsnNode parentInsn = arg.getParentInsn();
// replace move instruction if needed
if (parentInsn != null) {
switch (parentInsn.getType()) {
case MOVE: {
if (block == null) {
block = BlockUtils.getBlockByInsn(mth, parentInsn);
if (block != null) {
int index = InsnList.getIndex(block.getInstructions(), parentInsn);
if (index != -1) {
block.getInstructions().set(index, insn);
return true;
case RETURN: {
if (parentInsn != null && parentInsn.getType() == InsnType.RETURN) {
boolean replaced = arg.wrapInstruction(insn) != null;
if (replaced) {
InsnList.remove(block, insn);
// simple case
return arg.wrapInstruction(insn) != null;
return replaced;
private static boolean canMoveBetweenBlocks(InsnNode assignInsn, BlockNode assignBlock,
......@@ -320,4 +294,24 @@ public class CodeShrinker extends AbstractVisitor {
throw new JadxRuntimeException("Can't process instruction move : " + assignBlock);
private static void simplifyMoveInsns(BlockNode block) {
List<InsnNode> insns = block.getInstructions();
int size = insns.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
InsnNode insn = insns.get(i);
if (insn.getType() == InsnType.MOVE) {
// replace 'move' with wrapped insn
InsnArg arg = insn.getArg(0);
if (arg.isInsnWrap()) {
InsnNode wrapInsn = ((InsnWrapArg) arg).getWrapInsn();
block.getInstructions().set(i, wrapInsn);
package jadx.tests.integration.inline;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.ClassNode;
import jadx.tests.api.IntegrationTest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import static jadx.tests.api.utils.JadxMatchers.containsOne;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
public class TestIssue86 extends IntegrationTest {
public static class TestCls {
private static final String SERVER_ERR = "server-err";
private static final String NOT_FOUND = "not-found";
private static final String LIST_TAG = "list-tag";
private static final String TEMP_TAG = "temp-tag";
private static final String MIN_TAG = "min-tag";
private static final String MAX_TAG = "max-tag";
private static final String MILLIS_TAG = "millis-tag";
private static final String WEATHER_TAG = "weather-tag";
private static final String DESC_TAG = "desc-tag";
private List<Day> test(String response) {
List<Day> reportList = new ArrayList<Day>();
try {
if (response != null
&& (response.startsWith(SERVER_ERR)
|| response.startsWith(NOT_FOUND))) {
return reportList;
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(response);
JSONArray days = jsonObj.getJSONArray(LIST_TAG);
for (int i = 0; i < days.length(); i++) {
JSONObject c = days.getJSONObject(i);
long millis = c.getLong(MILLIS_TAG);
JSONObject temp = c.getJSONObject(TEMP_TAG);
String max = temp.getString(MAX_TAG);
String min = temp.getString(MIN_TAG);
JSONArray weather = c.getJSONArray(WEATHER_TAG);
String weatherDesc = weather.getJSONObject(0).getString(DESC_TAG);
Day d = new Day();
} catch (JSONException e) {
return reportList;
private static class Day {
public void setMilis(long milis) {
public void setMinTmp(String min) {
public void setMaxTmp(String max) {
public void setWeatherDesc(String weatherDesc) {
private static class JSONObject {
public JSONObject(String response) {
public JSONArray getJSONArray(String tag) throws JSONException {
return null;
public JSONObject getJSONObject(String tag) throws JSONException {
return null;
public String getString(String tag) throws JSONException {
return null;
public long getLong(String tag) throws JSONException {
return 0;
private class JSONArray {
public JSONObject getJSONObject(int i) throws JSONException {
return null;
public int length() {
return 0;
private class JSONException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4358405506584551910L;
public void test() {
ClassNode cls = getClassNode(TestCls.class);
String code = cls.getCode().toString();
assertThat(code, containsOne("response.startsWith(NOT_FOUND)"));
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