Commit a57b22ed authored by AlexStocks's avatar AlexStocks

Imp: enlarge time wheel span from 2m to 15m

parent 2f6fb032
# getty #
*a netty like asynchronous network I/O library*
## introdction ##
> DESC : a asynchronous network I/O library in golang. In getty there are two goroutines in one connection(session),
one handle network read buffer tcp stream, the other handle logic process and write response into network
write buffer. If your logic process may take a long time, you should start a new logic process goroutine
by yourself in (Codec):OnMessage. Getty is based on "ngo" whose author is sanbit(
> LICENCE : Apache License 2.0
## develop history ##
- 2019/06/08
> Improvement
* add task worker pool
- 2019/06/07
> Improvement
* use time.After instead of wheel.After
* add remark for tcp reading
- 2018/10/16
> Feature
* add rpc/micro CallOneway/AsyncCall
* version: v1.0.3
- 2018/08/19
> Feature
* use multiple service config in service configuration
* do not register consumer
* version: v1.0.2
- 2018/08/16
> Feature
* Add gxpool.watcher filter
- 2018/08/13
> Feature
* Add Micro
- 2018/08/07
> Improvement
* RPC package format: {2 Bytes Header len + Header + 2 Body len + Body} ---> {Header + Body}
> Bug Fix
* do not encode body if package body is nil
- 2018/07/01
> Feature
* Add RPC
- 2018/06/25
> buf fix
* Using juju/errors.Cause on read/write in case of network i/o timeout
- 2018/03/29
> improvement
* use juju/errors instead of pkg/errors
- 2018/03/20
> bug fix
* ignore connectPingPackage
- 2018/03/19
> improvement
* use gxnet.IsSameAddr
* send out pkg asap in WritePkg when the second parameter @timeout is not greater then 0.
* delete Chinese commenting
* gettyConn:readCount -> gettyConn:readBytes
* gettyConn:writeCount -> gettyConn:writeBytes
* gettyConn:readPkgCount -> gettyConn:readPkgNum
* gettyConn:writePkgCount -> gettyConn:writePkgNum
- 2018/03/18
> improvement
* nerr -> netError
* check udp connection alive after connect()
* use ReadFromUDP as the uniform UDP read interface
* close net.UDPConn when connected failed
* close net.Conn when connected failed
* Session::EndPointType() -> Session::EndPoint()
* time.Sleep() -> wheel.After()
* do not check server.go:server::caCert
- 2018/03/17
> improvement
* add end point type
* add ClientOptions & Client
* add ServerOptions & Server
* delete peerAddr of UDPSession
* version 0.8.2
- 2018/03/16
> bug fix
* set maxMsgLen of UDPSession from zero to 4k
- 2018/03/15
> improvement
* add gettyUDPConn to session::Conn and session::gettyConn
- 2018/03/14
> bug fix
* disable SetReadDeadline when enable compression.
Refers to the NextReader/NextWriter of gorilla/websocket, you should make a new compression reader/writer when
read/write a package again.
- 2018/03/10
> improvement
* 1 rDeadline -> rTimeout
* 2 wDeadline -> wTimeout
* 3 disable readtimeout in gettyWSConn:read
* 4 add gettyWSConn:updateWriteDeadline
* 5 add timeout for Session:WritePkg
- 2018/03/08
> feature
* 1 add udp client and udp server
> version: 0.8.01
- 2017/05/02
> feature
* 1 set read/write deadline for every read/write action refers to fasthttp
> version: 0.7.04
- 2017/04/27
> bug fix
* 1 client connect wss server just using the cert file.
> version: 0.7.03
- 2017/04/21
> bug fix
* 1 client can not connect wss server because of getty does not verify whether cert&key is nil or not in client.go:dialWSS
> version: 0.7.02
- 2017/02/08
> improvement
> 1 server shutdown in server.go:(Server) stop()
> 2 session variable -> ss
> 3 RunWSEventLoopWithTLS -> RunWSSEventLoop
> 4 version: 0.7.01
- 2017/02/03
> 1 Session struct -> session struct and add Session interface
> 2 change receiver name from this to a alphabet letter
> 3 add compression type
> 4 version: 0.7.0
- 2016/11/19
> 1 add conn.go:(*gettyWSConn) setCompressType to add zip compress feature for ws connection
> 2 version: 0.6.02
- 2016/11/16
> 1 add zip/snappy compress for tcp connection
> 2 version: 0.6.01
- 2016/11/02
> 1 add session.go:Session{ID(), LocalAddr(), RemoteAddr()}
> 2 add conn.go:iConn{id(), localAddr(), remoteAddr()}
> 3 version: 0.4.08
- 2016/11/01
> 1 session.go:Session{maxPkgLen(int)} -> Session{maxPkgLen(int32)}
> 2 add remarks in session.go
> 2 version: 0.4.07(0.4.06 is a obsolete version)
- 2016/10/21
> 1 session.go:(Session)RunEventLoop -> session.go:(Session)run
> 2 version: 0.4.05
- 2016/10/14
> 1 add conn.go:(gettyWSConn)handlePing
> 2 add conn.go:(gettyWSConn)handlePong
> 3 set read/write timeout in session.go:(Session)stop to let read/write timeout asap
> 4 fix bug: websocket block on session.go:(Session)handleWSPkg when got error. set read/write timeout asap to solve this problem.
> 5 version: 0.4.04
- 2016/10/13
> 1 add conn.go:(gettyWSConn)writePing which is invoked automatically in session.go:(Session)handleLoop
> 2 modify session.go:(Session)handleLoop:Websocket session will send ping frame automatically every peroid.
> 3 add conn.go:(gettyConn)UpdateActive, which can used as (Session)UpdateActive which is invoked by Session automatically.
> 4 add conn.go:(gettyConn)GetActive, which can used as (Session)GetActive
> 5 modify conn.go:gettyWSConn{websocket.Conn} -> conn.go:gettyWSConn{*websocket.Conn}
> 6 version: 0.4.03
- 2016/10/11
> 1 fix bug: use websocket.BinaryMessage in conn.go:(gettyWSConn)write
> 2 version: 0.4.02
- 2016/10/10
> 1 delete session.go:Session{errFlag} to invoke codec.go:EventListener{OnClose&OnError} both when got a error
> 2 modify session.go:(Session)SetReader
> 3 modify session.go:(Session)SetWriter
> 4 add modify session.go:(Session)maxMsgLen for websocket session
> 5 version: 0.4.01
- 2016/10/09
> 1 add client.go:NewWSSClient
> 2 add server.go:RunWSEventLoopWithTLS
> 3 add session.go:(Session*)gettyConn
- 2016/10/08
> 1 add websocket connection & client & server
> 3 version: 0.4.0
- 2016/10/01
> 1 remark SetReadTimeout & SetWriteTimeout in session.go (ref:
> 3 version: 0.3.14
- 2016/09/30
> 1 modify wheel time interval from 1 second to 100ms.
> 2 modify session.go:(Session)WritePkg timeout
> 3 version: 0.3.13
- 2016/09/27
> 1 fix bug: getty panic when conn.RemoteAddr() is nil in session.go:(Session)sessionToken()
> 2 version: 0.3.12
- 2016/09/26
> 1 move utils.go's function to and delete it
> 2 use goext/time Wheel
> 3 version: 0.3.11
- 2016/09/20
> 1 just invoke OnError when session got error
> 2 version: 0.3.10
- 2016/09/19
> 1 move empty to from client.go to session.go
> 2 version: 0.3.09
- 2016/09/12
> 1 add defeat self connection logic in client.go & server.go
> 2 version: 0.3.08
- 2016/09/09
> 1 delete session.go:(Session)readerDone
> 2 delete session.go:(Session)handlePackage Last clause
> 3 set write timeout in session.go:(Session)WritePkg
> 4 version: 0.3.07
- 2016/09/08
> 1 rewrite session.go:(Session)handlePackage() error handle logic
> 2 add utils.go:CountWatch
> 3 version: 0.3.06
- 2016/09/07
> 1 session.go:(Session)Close() -> session.go:(Session)gc() to be invoked by session.go:(Session)handleLoop
> 2 add panic stack message for session.go:(Session)handleLoop & session.go:(Session)handlePackage
> 3 version: 0.3.05
- 2016/09/06
> 1 codec.go:(Reader)Read(*Session, []byte) (interface{}, error) -> codec.go:(Reader)Read(*Session, []byte) (interface{}, int, error)
> 2 codec.go:(EventListener)OnOpen(*Session) -> codec.go:(EventListener)OnOpen(*Session) error
> 3 version: 0.3.04
- 2016/09/05
> 1 add 'errFlag = true' when got err in pkgHandler.Read loop clause in session.go:(Session)handlePackage
> 2 use '[]byte' instead of bytes.Buffer in codec.go:(Reader)Read
> 3 version: 0.3.03
- 2016/09/04
> 1 add server.go:(Server)Listen
> 2 version: 0.3.02
- 2016/09/03
> 1 modify return value of session.go:(Session)Close from void to error
> 2 add clause "this.attrs = nil" in session.go:(Session)Close
> 3 session.go:Session{*gettyConn, readTimeout, writeTimeout} -> session.go:Session{gettyConn, rTimeout, wTimeout}
> 4 add session.go:(Session)Reset
> 5 add session.go:(Session)SetConn
> 6 add elastic sleep time machanism in client.go:(Client)RunEventLoop
> 7 version: 0.3.01
- 2016/09/02
> 1 add session.go:(gettyConn)close and session.go:(Session)dispose
> 2 modify return value of server.go:NewSessionCallback from void to err
> 3 add client.go:Client
> 4 version: 0.3.00
- 2016/08/29
> 1 rename reconnect to errFlag in function session.go:(Session)handlePackage
> 2 session.go:(gettyConn)readBytes is reconsidered as read in tcp stream bytes
> 3 session.go:(gettyConn)writeBytes is reconsidered as write out tcp stream bytes
> 4 reconstruct session output token string session.go:(Session)sessionToken
> 5 use err instead of netError in session.go:(Session)handlePackage:defer:OnError
> 6 version: 0.2.07
- 2016/08/25
> 1 move close done to once clause in server.go:(Server)stop
> 2 rename reqQ to rQ which means read queue and its relative params
> 3 rename rspQ to wQ which means write queue and its relative params
> 4 rename reqPkg to inPkg in function session.go:(Session)handleLoop
> 5 rename rspPkg to outPkg in function session.go:(Session)handleLoop
> 6 version: 0.2.06
- 2016/08/24
> 1 delete session.go:Session:wg(atomic.WaitGroup). Add session.go:Session:grNum instead to prevent from (Session)Close() block on session.go:Session:wg.Wait()
> 2 add once for session.go:Session:done(chan struct{})
> 3 version: 0.2.05
- 2016/08/23
> 1 do not consider empty package as a error in (Session)handlePackage
> 2 version: 0.2.04
- 2016/08/22
> 1 rename (Session)OnIdle to (Session)OnCron
> 2 rewrite server.go: add Server{done, wg}
> 3 add utils.go
> 4 version: 0.2.03
- 2016/08/21
> 1 add name for Session
> 2 add OnError for Codec
- 2016/08/18
> 1 delete last clause of handleRead
> 2 add reqQ handle case in last clause of handleLoop
> 3 add conditon check in (*Session)RunEventLoop()
> 4 version: 0.2.02
- 2016/08/16
> 1 rename all structs
> 2 add getty connection
> 3 rewrite (Session)handleRead & (Session)handleEventLoop
> 4 version: 0.2.01
......@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import (
import (
perrors ""
const (
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ import (
import (
perrors ""
var (
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ const (
pendingDuration = 3e9
defaultQLen = 1024
maxIovecNum = 10
MaxWheelTimeSpan = 900e9 // 900s, 15 minute
defaultSessionName = "session"
defaultTCPSessionName = "tcp-session"
defaultUDPSessionName = "udp-session"
......@@ -49,9 +51,15 @@ const (
var (
wheel = gxtime.NewWheel(gxtime.TimeMillisecondDuration(100), 1200) // wheel longest span is 2 minute
wheel *gxtime.Wheel
func init() {
span := 100e6 // 100ms
buckets := MaxWheelTimeSpan / span
wheel = gxtime.NewWheel(time.Duration(span), int(buckets)) // wheel longest span is 15 minute
func GetTimeWheel() *gxtime.Wheel {
return wheel
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