Commit 5266865f authored by Tsaiilin(蔡依林)'s avatar Tsaiilin(蔡依林)

Merge branch 'transfer' into 'master'


See merge request !13
parents f5abc227 ec9ec7e2
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func init() {
func initial() {
if global.Config.PprofPort > 0 {
safe.SafeGo(func() {
safe.Go(func() {
addr := fmt.Sprintf("", global.Config.PprofPort)
log.Run().Infof("enable pprof: %s", addr)
log.Run().Error(http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil))
......@@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ import (
type Client struct {
config *model.Configure
host string
port int
localAddr net.Addr
natTunnel getty.Client
session getty.Session
connStore sync.Map
sessionStore sync.Map
dnsCache *freecache.Cache
host string
port int
localAddr net.Addr
natTunnel getty.Client
session getty.Session
transferStore sync.Map
dnsCache *freecache.Cache
func NewClientWithConf(cfg *model.Configure, host string, port int) *Client {
......@@ -35,13 +34,12 @@ func NewCli(cfg *model.Configure, host string, port int) *Client {
client := &Client{
config: cfg,
host: host,
port: port,
localAddr: localAddr,
connStore: sync.Map{},
sessionStore: sync.Map{},
dnsCache: freecache.NewCache(1024),
config: cfg,
host: host,
port: port,
localAddr: localAddr,
transferStore: sync.Map{},
dnsCache: freecache.NewCache(1024),
return client
......@@ -50,4 +48,3 @@ func NewCli(cfg *model.Configure, host string, port int) *Client {
func (client *Client) StartUp() {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type ClusterClient struct {
func (c *ClusterClient) Start() {
safe.SafeGo(func() {
safe.Go(func() {
var timer = time.NewTimer(5 * time.Minute)
for {
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) Start() {
if global.Config.Redial.Valid() {
safe.SafeGo(func() {
safe.Go(func() {
// 加上随机 防止vps在同时间重启
duration := c.randomDuration()
log.Run().Infof("Redial interval %+v", duration)
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) check() {
url = global.Config.NetCheckUrl
safe.SafeGo(func() {
safe.Go(func() {
var timer = time.NewTimer(interval)
for {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func (client *Client) Redial(tag string) {
if !client.config.Redial.Valid() {
log.Run().Infof("[Redial %s] Send offline message", tag)
log.Run().Infof("[Redial %s] seed offline message", tag)
if _, _, err := client.session.WritePkg(OfflinePacket, 0); err != nil {
log.Run().Errorf("[Redial %s] write offline to server error %s", tag, err.Error())
package client
import (
type Transfer struct {
serialNumber int64
client *Client
upstreamConn *net.TCPConn
recorder trace.Recorder
transferChan chan *protocol.MajoraPacket
transferToUpstreamFunc func(t *Transfer, p *protocol.MajoraPacket)
transferToDownstreamFunc func(t *Transfer, data []byte, err error)
once sync.Once
cancel chan struct{}
func NewTransfer(serialNumber int64, client *Client, conn *net.TCPConn, recorder trace.Recorder) *Transfer {
return &Transfer{
serialNumber: serialNumber,
client: client,
upstreamConn: conn,
recorder: recorder,
transferChan: make(chan *protocol.MajoraPacket, 10),
once: sync.Once{},
cancel: make(chan struct{}, 0),
func (t *Transfer) SetTransferToUpstreamFunc(f func(t *Transfer, p *protocol.MajoraPacket)) {
t.transferToUpstreamFunc = f
func (t *Transfer) SetTransferToDownstreamFunc(f func(t *Transfer, data []byte, err error)) {
t.transferToDownstreamFunc = f
func (t *Transfer) TransferToUpstream(p *protocol.MajoraPacket) {
t.transferChan <- p
func (t *Transfer) Start() {
if t.transferToUpstreamFunc == nil {
panic(errors.New("transferToUpstreamFunc is nil"))
if t.transferToDownstreamFunc == nil {
panic(errors.New("transferToDownstreamFunc is nil"))
safe.Go(func() {
for {
select {
case p := <-t.transferChan:
t.transferToUpstreamFunc(t, p)
case <-t.cancel:
safe.Go(func() {
traceRecorder := t.recorder
traceRecorder.RecordEvent(trace.UpStreamEvent, fmt.Sprintf("Ready read from upstream (sn:%d)", t.serialNumber))
log.Run().Debugf("[handleUpStream] %d-> handleUpStream start...", t.serialNumber)
for {
buf := make([]byte, common.BufSize)
cnt, err := t.upstreamConn.Read(buf)
t.transferToDownstreamFunc(t, buf[0:cnt], err)
if err != nil {
func (t *Transfer) Close() {
t.once.Do(func() {
readDeadLine := time.Now().Add(3 * time.Millisecond)
t.recorder.RecordEvent(trace.DisconnectEvent, fmt.Sprintf("Set upstream read deadline:%s (sn:%d)",
readDeadLine.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000"), t.serialNumber))
err := t.upstreamConn.SetReadDeadline(readDeadLine)
if err != nil {
fmt.Sprintf("Set upstream read deadline failed (sn:%d)", t.serialNumber), err)
_ = t.upstreamConn.Close()
daemon: true
#daemon: true
log_level: debug
log_path: ./majora-log/
reconn_intervalz: 5s
......@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ net_check_interval: 5s
dns_cache_duration: 10m
command: /bin/bash
exec_path: /root/
redial_duration: 5m
wait_time: 10s
# command: /bin/bash
# exec_path: /root/
# redial_duration: 5m
# wait_time: 10s
account: superman
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package safe
import ""
func SafeGo(f func()) {
func Go(f func()) {
go func() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ var (
func init() {
safe.SafeGo(func() {
safe.Go(func() {
for {
e := <-sessionEventChan
if e.Err != nil {
......@@ -133,15 +133,9 @@ func acquireRecorder(sessionId string, host, user string, enable bool) Recorder
type Session struct {
Recorder Recorder
func NewSession(sessionId string, host string, user string, enable bool) *Session {
func NewRecorder(sessionId string, host string, user string, enable bool) Recorder {
if len(sessionId) == 0 {
sessionId = sessionIdNop
return &Session{
Recorder: acquireRecorder(sessionId, host, user, enable),
return acquireRecorder(sessionId, host, user, enable)
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