Commit 081abc83 authored by Administrator's avatar Administrator


parent a640a297
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ ratelManager的apk,在ratel server的首页有下载地址
1. [bugfix] 部分无application的应用,MainActivity入口解析失败
2. [improve] ROM厂商设备指纹泄漏问题,目前适配小米+华为
3. [improve] 支持contentProvider拦截
4. [bugfix] 修复luckin coffee闪退
5. [sync] sync sandhook: fix can not get threadId when hook Thread
### V1.3.0
1. [bugfix] rebuildDex如遇method带annotation,将会导致指令解析不成功,引发构建失败
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