• XavierNiu's avatar
    Doc: WorkerPool Documentation (#69) · dbf1d9e3
    XavierNiu authored
    * ftr: work pool
    * rename WorkerPool -> FixedWorkerPool
    * go fmt
    * fix typo
    * benchmark for ConnectionPool
    * go fmt
    * benchmark for ConnectionPool
    * chan buffer extension for ConnectionPool benchmark
    * reset benchmark tests for TaskPool
    * reduce buffer of ConnectionPool
    * unbounded chan benchmark
    * reduce goroutine num
    * ConnectionPool adopts task queue array
    * apache license
    * fix shadow variable
    * remove done channel, add numWorkers
    * go fmt
    * fix wrong logger
    * add newBaseWorkerPool
    * remove ConnectionPoolConfig
    * update comments
    * update comments
    * fix unittests
    * Update base_worker_pool.go
    * Update base_worker_pool.go
    * fix newBaseWorkerPool bugs
    * go fmt
    * fix CountTaskSync bugs
    * fix CountTask bug
    * optimize code
    * go fmt
    * add SubmitSync test
    * go fmt
    * reduce the number of lines of logging for connection pool
    * merge logs
    * go fmt
    * documentation for work pool
    * md style
    Co-authored-by: 's avatarXin.Zh <dragoncharlie@foxmail.com>
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